Sunday, January 4, 2009

No more Food or Late Night TV before Bed

Last night, Lee and I had a late dinner. It was very good (Talapia, greenbeans, corn) but I think it contributed to my nightmare last night; along with falling asleep watching Dateline (the BTK killer was profiled). The dream seemed to last soooo long which I'm sure only lasted 15-20 minutes. The dream: Me, my mom, my sister, and Mason decided to go for a drive out in the country. When we got there, I let Mason out for a walk. We came upon this big white house and out comes Dennis , who chases me until he runs out of breath (he was quite obese). I run all the way to this church and call the police. Connie (who was a victim of the BTK killer), the sherrif drove out to where I was and got my info. She said he does that a lot. A couple of weeks later, I was with my dad who drives into the driveway at the white house after telling him not to and the guy comes out of the house again and chases us. Luckilly we were in a truck this time and so we got away. After making my dad take me home, my mom tells me that she thinks she knows why this man is after me. Apparently, I purchased Auburn football tickets from this man years ago and he is trying to kill everyone that had done that; along with wipe out their bank accounts.....I finally woke up and took a deep breath knowing that I was ok and Dennis couldn't chase me anymore (I hate being chased in a dream!) So no more food or late night TV (especially about a serial killer) before bed!

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