Thursday, September 30, 2010

Trip to the Grocery Store

Why does a trip to the grocery store always end in you spending more money than you said you would? I ran by the grocery store today to pick up spaghetti sauce and that was it. But the WD was having a sale on Reese Cups, my favorite, at buy one get one free. I also needed a new toothbrush and mouthwash and of course some gum that I threw in at the last minute at the register. This wouldn't have happend on our usual Sunday grocery outing especially with Lee. He is very much a stick to the budget kind of person. Usually I am too but tomorrow is payday so that makes it easier! I did save over a dollar on the big can of spaghetti sauce and over $2 on the total bill. Lee likes when I find a deal. I will say that to make me feel better.

1 comment:

Stef said...

I can't resist a good sale either! :)